Last updated on 20. November 2021
For whatever reason, we may have to revert to a previous version at some point. As this process is a bit complicated, I have tried to simplify my life a bit.
- Install Big Sur from Recovery/Option Mode
- Downgrade from macOS Monterey to Big Sur
- Support M1 & Intel

Before you read any further, be aware that this is not the official Apple way.
The solution is based on my previous project Easy Erase and will download all required data from the Apple Server and if you want the script also ask you to save the files for later. The only requirement for caching the files is a USB stick with at least 16 GB free memory. The USB stick must have the name “macOSCache”.
The command is simple: bash < <(curl -s
So that you can imagine more, I have made a little video. This shows the installation with a cache stick but of course you can also do the process without files. Especially if you are on the road and have to reinstall a computer, this method is helpful. Since the startosinstall command does not yet work on M1 CPU, I can only partially implement the process here.
Disclaimer The published information has been carefully compiled, but does not claim to be up-to-date, complete or correct. No liability is assumed for damages resulting from the use of this script or the information drawn from it. This also applies to third-party content accessible via this offer.
Hello Michael, i would like to thank you for creating this script worked perfectly fine downgrading a Macbook Pro M1 with Monterey preinstalled.
I have a request, could you please create a similar script to downgrade to Monterey M2 Macbooks preinstalled with Mac OS Ventura, that would be awesome.
All the best!